Thursday, March 31, 2011

When Cable Companies Want To Lose Your Business

Alright, let's get the confessional stuff out of the way first. My roommate neglected to pay the Bright House bill for the last 2 months. Yes, it was irresponsible and yes, he had ample warning. I even left the notice hanging on our door in plain sight for him to find. He had every opportunity to pay the bill and he didn't, so when they disconnected our internet service, that was totally on us. (Well, him.)

What Bright House didn't have to do, however, is make us wait a full business week before they would turn it back on, and that is after paying the previous balance in full. It used to be they would turn off the bandwidth running to the modem remotely, then if you paid the bill over the phone the service would automatically resume. It appears they are not doing that anymore. Now it seems they send technicians out at 10:30 at night to physically disable the connection. At least that's what they told us when we called. I smelled bullshit immediately but not even threatening to sign up for U-Verse sped up anything. See, right before the service went down we were on a Skype Conference Call. I think Bright House might have screwed up on the remote switch off, saw bandwidth being pushed through to our modem, realized their mistake, shat a brick and cut us off.

Now do they not only want to make us wait, they also want to charge us a $30 reconnection fee. Why the fuck they are going through the pretense of sending a tech out on Friday morning is a question without an answer. From what I hear people are dropping their cable packages in droves and moving to just using the internet for media delivery. You would think telecoms would see this trend and make it work for both customers and the company, but between Bright House's antics with us and the latest round of bandwidth caps, telecoms are racing to the bottom.

P.S.: I wrote and published this blog using the only connection in the neighborhood that is open and has an web pipe. It's shit, only works in one part of the condo, and is too goddamn slow to do much of anything. The chucklefuck with the other open network has got a crap router. I'm going to be damn shocked at the tech theater display tomorrow if the Bright House tech needs to actually enter the condo.

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